Monday 20 May 2013

Red Cherry

like you know before, Red is my colour
Red is my passion in fashion and beauty
Red is just me
I do love Red

you know why :)

i dare to mix my batik cropped top in red pleated skirt, red Louboutin, red hairband and my red bag from Charles&Keith

One of A Kind

one of a kind  and the only batik cropped top i've ever had :D

see the difference. tie up my hair and i hold my Ipad case - first look

                                              the second one i wore my cambridge satchel bag

                                      the colourful floral pants and my favourite leopard eye wear

i was thinking which outfit i will post to my instagram and lookbook, getting confuse because it turns out that the batik top suits with everything i wore! pants, shorts even skirts with many different combinations... sigh help help help!

but i decide,i choose and i know which are the best outfit for me
check my next post called Red Cherry :)

Friday 3 May 2013

Exhausted and tiring but i'm HAPPY part 1

i've been busy these last four days ~~
and now i come back to blog what's the thing that make me busy from last week !
i've prepare lot of things, with the help of my housemaid, we've packed hell lot of my clothes, accessories, shoes, and other stuffs from my parents house to the new place which is gonna be my own place with hubby :) which spend lot of energy and time. Fisrt step, we clean the second floor, that includes the main bedroom, first and second bedroom. In the main bedroom together we settle over the dust, clean the bathroom floor, my vanity room tables, and my huge walk-in-closet.
Thanks God it's all clean and finish on that day.
On the second day, our task is too clean the corridor that connects all the rooms in second floor with the service room. Wipe, broom, wipe, broom lol ~~
and holla it's clean!! Bling bling and cling cling :D
The third day which is yesterday, we clean the main kitchen, the kitchen cabinet, and the floor which was easier.
And today, we settle the living room, dining room and family room. Voila ~~ thanks to God again for giving all of us enough power and strength to do it non-stop heheheheh ~
Oww but i missed one room,it's still left dirty because there are some boxes full of our stuff on the floor. that is the room for guests or my parents, or for our closest relatives to stay. So there are four rooms in the house,includes my housemaid bedroom.
Now all tasks has been completely done. And at the end of the week me and my hubby will move in to the new house! I'm all over excited ~~ :) :)
It's time to control and manage my own house. Time to start and build my new family with husband together has begin.. just the two of us, because i no longer live with my parents. In chinese wedding tradition, every girl who married must be separated from their parents and live in with the guy or with the guy's family. They are no longer live with their parents because the guy had been marry her and it's turn for the guy to take the responsibilities of his wife and build his new family.

The question is... will I miss my parents after that? i cannot think anything right now, what i'm thinking is only that i'm all over excited move into new place... (i'm so bad lol)

okay, First i'm going to show some 3D design of my family room

this is the whole familyroom design. The blue wall is really painted blue-my hubby fav color and it's the partition that separates theliving room and the family room. I plan to put on some decoration like colourful frames and vintage decoration onto the wall :)

There is it, our tv cabinet. and the livingroom seen from behind. All the wall in the house painted white in sugar pink tone. so it's actually not really really white.

the self portrait i took after finish the task today.. behind is my walk-in-closet. I definitely will show you more about my new house in detail :)

Friday 26 April 2013

Friday, I'm in Love

 Good Morning  ! Thanks God it's Friday!
Today will be a fun weekend! Later tonight my husband and I would let out our boredom, as we haven't went on a date last weekend, we just stay at home and sleep like pig lol...  SO today is abig no no for us, we wanna date!
Iron Man 3 is already showing in theaters! That's why hubby want take me out.We want to see the movie, friends said the movie was so cool, damn it!

What about you guys? What are you planning to spend on Friday night?Of course, You all go have fun with close friends, or whoever that are still single-go out with the family, and there are also those who stay at home on weekend just to watch dvd, playing video games, or for teenage girls, spending time in their room and gossiping about guys,crush,or whatever trending topic is hehe,do pedi-manicure, and try on make-up experiments :)
Whatever it is, from Friday to Sunday should be a weekend that could satisfy us of our tiredness because of busy work.

Here's my outfit of the day this morning. 
Zigzag collar top which i bought from my friend's boutique, the clothes that she sells all look good and stylish.
I'm interested in buying this dress because when I wear, the color contrast and the zigzag line attract my eye, it's eyecatching for me.
I've always like unique and different things, also random drawing and colors too. 
The white lacey short is from Dotti, which i bought when i'm on vacation in New Zealand.


my lipstick of the day: Chanel Rouge Allure in 97 Incandescente. Sexy red ~

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Feel the Paradise part 1

Stop dulu postingan makanan :D
sekarang aku mau cerita sedikit tentang New Zealand
i love New Zealand! highly recommended for vacation it's soooo beautiful, both village and the big city!
Last December me, my hubby,mom and cousins went to roadtrip from North to South of New Zealand. 23hari roadtrip yang menakjubkan buat kami semua :)
It feels like i'm going to another heaven, another paradise, strange beautiful, quiet place in another part of the world. Really, believe me. I would just stay at there forever and don't want to come back to my country lol ~~

We went to lots of famous tourist object but too bad we didn't make it to Hobbiton :( padahal itu yang aku incar!! tempat syuting Lord of The Rings aaarghhhh, banyak vila Hobbit lucu-lucu yang bagus buat difotoooo :(
tapi ad pengalaman terbaik yang aku dapat disitu.. hehe, my husband has made his first bungee jumping in Kawarau bridge, with 43metres high from the river. I want to join him but my mom won't allowed. Alasannya, dia takut aku kenapa-kenapa,secara aku kurus,, takut nanti lompat dari ketinggian 43m tulang-tulang ato sendi bisa patahlah, ato cidera, pinggang encok, whatever ~~ aku sempat ngambek tapi ya sudahlah, dipikir-pikir takut sendiri nanti gara2 aku bungee jumping malah gak bisa napa-napain haha....
Tapi rasa dongkolku terobati keesokan harinya, bareng suami lagi,sama dua sodara, kita semua rafting! We did the highly recommended rafting track and that was truly awesome! Dag dig dug juga waktu nih cowok-cowok sok hebat belum pernah rafting tapi milih paket adrenalin rush, ada track lewatin air terjun yang jatuhya kedalaman 3meter, bisa bayangin jatuh dari air terjun yang tingginya 3m ke bawah! perasaan aku waktu itu udah dag dig dug.
Trus waktu masih ngalir air tenang-tenang, gila rasanya enak banget udara sekitar sungai! Air sungainya waw, bersih cling! dingin,,,, terus segar banget. Sayang gakk ada foto air sungainya waktu itu. Karena rafting kita ga boleh make apa-apa selain topi pengaman sama baju pelampung.
Sebelum kita rafting dikasih tahu dulu afety tips dari mentor. Mentornya masih muda cakep-cakep smua :P sudah gitu tar mereka pilihkan topi pengaman,sepatu yang pas sama ukuran kepala dan kaki. Topi pengaman di kepala sama sekali ga bole longgar tapi juga ga boleh kekencengan. Dah gitu,, dikasih pengarahan lagi bagaimana cara dayung perahu yang bener, gerakannya, trus antisipasi gerakan waktu ngelawan arus sama waktu mau terjun gerakan musti gimana itu semua penting buat diketahui :)

Okeh, lanjut ke rafting track tadi.. kita masih asik-asik dayung di arus yg tenang trus tiba-tiba ada arus deras, mentor yang duduk dibelakang kita teriak-teriak buat nakut-nakutin trus bilang come on! we can do this! trus kita hajar tuh arus haha rasanya kaya disiram air dingin seember dari kepala sampai kaki! maknyus dinginnya ~~ :D
Moemen yang paling mendebarkan, detik-detik sebelum lompat dari air terjun itu. Mendekati pun arus airnya sudah deras jadi perahu tuh cepet banget jalannya, jadi kata mentor kita gak perlu dayung lagi, angkat dayungnya tinggi-tinggi semua trus lompat! Uwaaaaaa aku teriak sendiri ~~ seru jatuhnya. hebatnya lagi perahu kita mendarat keren ga ada yang terbalik trus ga ada orang yang lepas keluar juga.. Amin :)

itu deh pengalaman raftingku. Nama sungainya apa yah aku rada lupa. Fotonya juga bakal kuupload nanti.. soalnya filenya masih di tangan sodara sampe sekarang ga ada kabar sigh ~~

so here's today post Feel The Paradise part 1. Continue soon to Part 2 :)

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Heaven of Food part 1

Travelling is best when you never forget to bring your camera, your favourite clothes and accessories!

Everytime I travel i will always looking for food, or vintage stuffs that i can add to my collection. I love to hunt for food anywhere, i ate too much but i can't never get fat ( what an ugly truth ) . My friends pretty envy of my skinny figure but i even envy they all have good shaped figure and sexy body...
anyway i don't care anymore, mau kurus kek,mau gemuk jugaaa yang penting you have a very high self-esteem, percaya diri, and stay healthy --- this is the most important :)

i gonna post about my travel to New Zealand last December, stay straight and don't drool over your screen yeah hehe :D coz i'm going to post every food i ate ~ (again sorry if my english is not good :( )

Best sushi restaurant in Rotorua. I was surprised that the restaurant owner is really from Japan and has moved to New Zealand long time ago. They are all fresh and juicy sushi!
fried chicken with vegetable salad . Sooo yummy!

Pork sausage salad include mashed potatoes, beans, onion and sweet-sour sauce at the FatDuck

Told you, i'm a salmon lover! Especially big and juicy like this one ~~

large Chicken caesar salad. No doubt the best caesar salad for me, fresh! all so fresh and healthy!

This one quite recommended in Rotorua, it's one of popular fine dining resto at there.I tried Granny Tarr ,that's the name of this food on the menu ~ here's the description: a Radler tager marinated Pork Scotch fillet on garlic &mozzarella smashed potatoes and char grilled capsicum, drizzled with a port apple juice. Strange food name , but I ordered it and i have no regret. Very recommended :)   

Monday 22 April 2013

Vintage is my favourite all the way

Hola Monday ~~~
How do you think about my blog?
Still needs a lot of improvements hahaha... Gila ternyata bikin blog ga segampang yang aku kira T.T
Kuutak-atik gimana caranya biar bisa nge-post link Instagram di blog juga gak ketemu-temu.. hadeuh stop dulu keluhan sampe disini hehe

my second post of OOTD

love and birds = lovebirds :)
 Same outfit, different shoes.

I love red color so much! On more upcoming post you will see more of my fave colors hehe ~~
This red pump shoe bought from Louboutin. The whole outfit is from my friend's online shop.
As you see, the red makes different look, more into feminine look.

take one      

take two

Lovely casual outfit with casual brown ankle boots from Topshop .

PS: be creative! be brave! and be yourself !
I hope you all have a nice day! C you!

Sunday 21 April 2013

Quotes of the day

Since my english is not really good, i think i will mixed it with Indonesian language too :P
As i mention before, i do love photography. Tapi aku bukan pro atau professional, aku hanya pecinta foto dan penikmat saja :) i'm more into freelance sih. Aku udah pernah fotoin prewed, couple, baby sama family portraits. Sebelumnya aku udah sering foto2 nature sama macro juga. Senang aja rasanya bisa foto, apalagi kalo ngeliat hasil fotoku bagus, disukai orang, bisa buat klien happy, aku tambah happy dan semangat terus dalam berkarya.

This is one old photos that i took so long ago and edited with Instagram apps.

My first blog

Hello everyone, I am Catherine
Apparently, I am new in this blogger thing. So i"m still learning and willing to make this blog as good as I can hehe. The blog is gonna be a place where I can share my personal fashion style, food coz i'm a foodlover! , some travelling pics and my daily life soon :)
Hope you all enjoy and thank you :) 

Below is my outfit of the day for today rainy Sunday.
I'm in love with this floral bouquet skirt recently, it"s something from the style that attracts me for buying it and i'm not regretting it.
The clutch is from Aldo. Top is from nowhere, i bought it from my friend online shop.
I love simple,sweet and chic fashion style. It is not have to be expensive stuffs from head to toe. For me,fashion is something that you can love,you can wear without spend too much money on it, it's something that makes you feel best and be yourself.