Sunday 21 April 2013

Quotes of the day

Since my english is not really good, i think i will mixed it with Indonesian language too :P
As i mention before, i do love photography. Tapi aku bukan pro atau professional, aku hanya pecinta foto dan penikmat saja :) i'm more into freelance sih. Aku udah pernah fotoin prewed, couple, baby sama family portraits. Sebelumnya aku udah sering foto2 nature sama macro juga. Senang aja rasanya bisa foto, apalagi kalo ngeliat hasil fotoku bagus, disukai orang, bisa buat klien happy, aku tambah happy dan semangat terus dalam berkarya.

This is one old photos that i took so long ago and edited with Instagram apps.


  1. Much love,
    "Keep up the great work on your blog! <3
